CanPostThis is a news evaluation engine, providing detailled analysis, reporting and insights on news and social media.
News source
News content
Credibility of the news source
Public citations
CanPostThis enables its users to apply a systematic, methodological analysis and credibility check of news
The news and the social media contribution aswell as the news and social media source are checked
detailled, graphical analysis and statistics for news, news sources, social media accounts and contributions
CanPostThis provides clear decision-making tools for news, news sources, social media and social media accounts
Fact-based conclusions and decisions on social media profiles and contributions
through accurate assessment of social media accounts and their values
Accurate analysis, probability calculation and assessment of news
Accurate, validated information
We calculate the accuracy and precision of news through statistical data, based on the following criteria:
The news source is compaired to a database containing all valid news sources, according to journalistic local standards, around the globe
word metrics
probability of the news being wrong or right
news author
cases of false news from this news source
Check your news source